Tools--plagiarism checker and duplicate content finder

国际公认的查重软件是Turnitin和iThenticate,Turnitin的优点是便宜,但大多数SCI期刊使用的是iThenticate,两者的查重效果大约相差1%-3%,很多杂志社的状态中会有manuscript send to CrossCheck的意思就是送去iThenticate查重,如果查重不过的话通常会退回重改,但是若不是重复率高的离谱一般不会因此而拒稿。

iThenticate: 收费,但是可以发给所里的图书馆免费查重。

Turnitin: 收费。


Free online plagiarism checker for teachers and students. Copyscape and Turnitin alternative.

如果查重率过于高,可使用Plagiarisma的Article Rewriter功能,可以自动进行同义词替换,并将可选的同义词显示出来,供作者选择

Plagiarism Checker by Grammarly (收费)


Copyscape is a free plagiarism checker. The software lets you detect duplicate content and check if your articles are original.


Professional plagiarism checker that reviews over 14 trillion web pages, articles, books, and periodicals to help you detect possible plagiarism in your papers. It finds not only copy paste plagiarism, but paraphrasing, good and bad citations. has a lot of unique functionalities - it is multilingual, able to detect good and bad citations, uses several scoring methods to score papers. It is uniquely capable of detecting paraphrasings. User is able to edit his paper online with a built-in tools. The main thing, that it has ways to get your paper checked free.

Dupli checker 据说很瞎


Pursuing the dream and the best future

CHENYUAN Blog Homepage

因为不想遗忘! 在这个信息大爆炸的年代,最重要的是对知识的消化-吸收-重铸。每天学了很多东西,但是理解的多少,以及能够运用多少是日后成功的关键。作为一个PhD,大脑中充斥了太多的东西,同时随着年龄的增长,难免会忘掉很多事情。所以只是为了在众多教程中写一个自己用到的,与自己...… Continue reading

Tools--English grammar and spelling check

Published on January 01, 2019


Published on January 01, 2019