
data.table provides a high-performance version of base R’s data.frame with syntax and feature enhancements for ease of use, convenience and programming speed.

Data analysis using data.table:
Data manipulation operations such as subset, group, update, join etc., are all inherently related. Keeping these related operations together allows for:

  • concise and consistent syntax irrespective of the set of operations you would like to perform to achieve your end goal.

  • performing analysis fluidly without the cognitive burden of having to map each operation to a particular function from a potentially huge set of functions available before performing the analysis.

  • automatically optimizing operations internally, and very effectively, by knowing precisely the data required for each operation, leading to very fast and memory efficient code.

General form of data table:

DT[i, j, by]
Take *DT*, subset/reorder rows using *i*, then calculate *j* grouped by *by*

Load the package


Creat a data table

DT <- data.table(A=c(1L,2L), B=LETTERS[7:9], C=round(rnorm(4),4), D=1:12)

# `fread`: Similar to read.table but faster and more convenient. All controls such as sep, colClasses and nrows are automatically detected.           
# `fread` accepts `http` and `https` URLs directly as well as operating system commands such as `sed` and `awk` output.         
# The value is a data.table by default, otherwise a data.frame when argument data.table=FALSE.

transform between data table and data frame

setDF: Coerce a data.table to data.frame
setDT: Coerce lists and data.frames to data.table Coerce other structures to data.table

Subseting Rows Using i

DT[3:5];DT[3:5,]    #Select 3rd to 5th row; the ',' is optional
DT[B=="G"]    #Select all rows that have value A in column B
DT[B %in% c("G","H")] #Select all rows that have value G or H in column B
DT[order(-A, D)];DT[order(-A, D), ] #Sort DT first by column A in descending order, and then by D in ascending order; the ',' is optional     
DT[!2:4];DT[-(2:4)] #All rows other than 2:4   

Manipulating on Columns in j

DT[,B] #Return B column as a vector
##  [1] "G" "H" "I" "G" "H" "I" "G" "H" "I" "G" "H" "I"
DT[,.(B,C)];DT[,list(B,C)] #Return B and C columns as data.table; .() is an alias for list()
select_cols = c("B","C")
DT[ , ..select_cols] #The same as above. ..prefix should be reminiscent of the “up-one-level” function in linux - the .. signals to DT to look for the select_cols variable “up-one-level”, i.e., in the global environment in this case.   
DT[,!c("B","C")];DT[,-c("B","C")] #deselect B and C columns   
DT[, A:C] #Select columns from A to C
DT[,.(D, D*2)] # return two column data.table
DT[,sum(A)]  #Return the sum of all elements of A column in a vector
## [1] 18
DT[,.(sum(A),sd(C))] #Return the sum of all elements of A and the std. dev. of C in a data.table
##    V1        V2
## 1: 18 0.7448356
DT[,.(Aggregate=sum(A),Sd.V3=sd(C))] #The same as the above, with new names
##    Aggregate     Sd.V3
## 1:        18 0.7448356

Grouping operations - j and by

.N is a special built-in variable that holds the number of observations in the current group. It is particularly useful when combined with by. In the absence of group by operations, it simply returns the number of rows in the subset.

DT[,.N,by=A] #Count number of rows for every group in A
##    A N
## 1: 1 6
## 2: 2 6
DT[,.(C.Mean=mean(C)),by=.(A,B)] #Calculate sum of D for every group in A and B
##    A B  C.Mean
## 1: 1 G 0.15770
## 2: 2 H 0.61015
## 3: 1 I 0.15770
## 4: 2 G 0.61015
## 5: 1 H 0.15770
## 6: 2 I 0.61015
DT[,.(D.Sum=sum(D)),by=sign(A-1)] #Calculate sum of D for every group in sign(A-1)
##    sign D.Sum
## 1:    0    36
## 2:    1    42
DT[,.(D.Sum=sum(D)),by=.(A.01=sign(A-1))] #The same as the above, with new name for the variable you’re grouping by
##    A.01 D.Sum
## 1:    0    36
## 2:    1    42
DT[B=="G",.(D.Sum=sum(D)),by=A] #Calculate sum of D for every group in A afer subseting on the rows equal to G in column B
##    A D.Sum
## 1: 1     8
## 2: 2    14

Adding/Updating Columns By Reference in j Using :=

The results will saved in DT, but not print on the screen

DT[,A:=round(exp(A),2)] #A is updated by what is afer :=
DT[,c("A","B"):=list(round(exp(A),2),LETTERS[4:6])] #Columns A and B are updated by what is afer :=
DT[,':='(A=round(exp(A),2),B=LETTERS[4:6])][] #Alternative to the above one. With [], you print the result to the screen
DT[,c("A","B"):=NULL] #Remove columns A and B

Indexing And Keys

DT <- data.table(A=c(1L,2L), B=LETTERS[7:9], C=round(rnorm(4),4), D=1:12)

setkey(DT,B) #A key is set on B; output is returned invisibly    
#mult: control which rows are returned, "all" (default), "first" or "last".
DT[c("G","H")] #Return all rows where the key column (set to B) has value G or H
DT["G",mult="first"] #Return first row of all rows that match value G in key column B
##    A B       C D
## 1: 1 G -0.5105 1
DT[c("G","J")] #Return all rows where key column B has value G or J
##     A B       C  D
## 1:  1 G -0.5105  1
## 2:  2 G -0.7310  4
## 3:  1 G -1.6259  7
## 4:  2 G -0.5036 10
## 5: NA J      NA NA
DT[c("G","J"),nomatch=0] #Return all rows where key column B has value G or J, not matched will not be returned
##    A B       C  D
## 1: 1 G -0.5105  1
## 2: 2 G -0.7310  4
## 3: 1 G -1.6259  7
## 4: 2 G -0.5036 10
DT[c("G","I"),sum(D)] #Return total sum of D, for rows of key column B that have values G or I
## [1] 52
DT[c("G","I"),sum(D),by=.EACHI] #Return sum of column D for rows of B that have value G, and anohter sum for rows of  B that have value I
##    B V1
## 1: G 22
## 2: I 30
setkey(DT,A,B) #Sort by A and then by B within each group of A (invisible)
DT[.(2,c("G","I"))] #Select rows that have value 2 for the frst key (A) and within those rows the value G or I for the second key (B)
##    A B       C  D
## 1: 2 G -0.7310  4
## 2: 2 G -0.5036 10
## 3: 2 I -0.5036  6
## 4: 2 I -0.7310 12

Advanced Data Table Operations

DT[.N-1] #Return the penultimate row of the DT
##    A B       C D
## 1: 2 I -0.5036 6
DT[,.N]  #Return the number of rows
## [1] 12
DT[,mean(C),by=.(A,B)] #Return the result grouped by all possible combinations of groups specifed in by
##    A B      V1
## 1: 1 G -1.0682
## 2: 1 H -1.0682
## 3: 1 I -1.0682
## 4: 2 G -0.6173
## 5: 2 H -0.6173
## 6: 2 I -0.6173

.SD & .SDcols

.SD stands for Subset of Data. It by itself is a data.table that holds the data for the current group defined using by.
.SD contains all the columns except the grouping columns by default.It is also generated by preserving the original order.
.SDcols specify just the columns we would like to apply the function on

DT[,print(.SD),by=B] #Look at what .SD contains
##    A       C  D
## 1: 1 -0.5105  1
## 2: 1 -1.6259  7
## 3: 2 -0.7310  4
## 4: 2 -0.5036 10
##    A       C  D
## 1: 1 -0.5105  5
## 2: 1 -1.6259 11
## 3: 2 -0.5036  2
## 4: 2 -0.7310  8
##    A       C  D
## 1: 1 -1.6259  3
## 2: 1 -0.5105  9
## 3: 2 -0.5036  6
## 4: 2 -0.7310 12
## Empty data.table (0 rows) of 1 col: B
DT[,.SD[c(1,.N)],by=B] #Select the first and last row grouped by B
##    B A       C  D
## 1: G 1 -0.5105  1
## 2: G 2 -0.5036 10
## 3: H 1 -0.5105  5
## 4: H 2 -0.7310  8
## 5: I 1 -1.6259  3
## 6: I 2 -0.7310 12
DT[,lapply(.SD,sum),by=B,.SDcols=c("C","D")] #Calculate sum of C and D in .SD grouped by B
##    B      C  D
## 1: G -3.371 22
## 2: H -3.371 26
## 3: I -3.371 30


Queries can be chained together just by adding another one on the end: DT[...][...]

DT[,.(D.Sum=sum(D)),by=A][D.Sum>40] #Calculate sum of D, grouped by A, then select that group of which the sum is >40(chaining)
##    A D.Sum
## 1: 2    42
DT[,.(D.Sum=sum(D)),by=.(A,B)][order(-A, B)] #Calculate sum of D, grouped by A and B, ordered on A and B    
##    A B D.Sum
## 1: 2 G    14
## 2: 2 H    10
## 3: 2 I    18
## 4: 1 G     8
## 5: 1 H    16
## 6: 1 I    12
DT[,.(D.Sum=sum(D)),keyby=A] #keyby automatically orders the result by the grouping variables in increasing order.      
##    A D.Sum
## 1: 1    36
## 2: 2    42



Syntax: for (i in from:to) set(DT, row, column, new value)

#Sequence along the values of rows, and for the values of cols, set the values of those elements equal to NA (invisible)
rows <- list(3:4,5:6)
cols <- 1:2
for(i in seq_along(rows))
  {set(DT,  #multiple expressions included by braces 

setcolorder() - re-order variables

Syntax: setcolorder(DT,"neworder")

#Change column ordering to contents of the specifed vector (invisible)
##    B       C A D
## 1: G -0.5105 1 1

setnames() - rename variables

Syntax: setnames(DT,"old","new")[]

setnames(DT,"B","Rating") #Set column name of B to Rating (invisible)
##    Rating       C A D
## 1:      G -0.5105 1 1
#Change 2 column names (invisible)
##    Rating C.speed A D.rank
## 1:      G -0.5105 1      1


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