1. CHENYUAN Blog Homepage
  2. Tools--plagiarism checker and duplicate content finder
  3. Tools--English grammar and spelling check
  4. data.table
  5. Commonly Confused Words
  6. English Writing Tips
  7. Structure the Paper
  8. Write Grant Proposal
  9. Rules for Numbers
  10. Machine Learning General Codes (R and Python)
  11. Generate QR code
  12. Tips for writing paper in epidemiology
  13. Online Learning Websites
  14. Something I should know about journals
  15. the immortal life of henrietta lacks
  16. Mendelian randomization
  17. Cancer prevention
  18. Figures for publication
  19. Adobe Illustrator
  20. Non-Coding RNAs
  21. Metabolic network analysis
  22. Enhancer Database
  23. Analysis flow of metabolomics data
  24. MetaboAnalyst
  25. Venn diagram
  26. Metabolomics Database and Tools
  27. Transcription Factor Database
  28. Cell Marker Database
  29. SNP Genotyping
  30. Exome sequencing
  31. TCGA Database
  32. Cancer Database
  33. Download reference genome and annotation
  34. Gene Structure
  35. HPV Vaccination in Germany
  36. Multi-Omics Factor Analysis (MOFA)
  37. Keynote oncology clinical trials
  38. Seven deadly sins of statistics and how to avoid them
  39. KEGG usage
  40. Breast cancer PAM50 subtypes
  41. Dr. Steven Halls's breast cancer website
  42. Logistic regression
  43. Penalized Regression Ridge Lasso Elastic net
  44. LASSO/Ridge/Elastic Net regression -- R codes
  45. LASSO/Ridge/Elastic Net regression -- Theory
  46. Cross Validation
  47. Machine Learning Routes
  48. STHDA - Machine learning essentials
  49. Extract webpage -- Example Two
  50. Glucose feeds the TCA cycle via circulating lactate
  51. Metabolites
  52. 蛊梦
  53. ggedit
  54. Data cleaning
  55. Clinic trail
  56. Extract webpage -- Example one
  57. Online Toolkits
  58. Awesome websites
  59. Unfinished things
  60. Presentation, Report, Python in Rstudio
  61. Online tools for Bioinformatics
  62. Tools for Bioinformatics analysis
  63. R introduction
  64. Compare and select machine learning models
  65. tidyr
  66. dplyr
  67. tibble
  68. stringr
  69. Tidyverse
  70. Forest plot for cox model
  71. Univariate and Multivariate Survival Analysis
  72. Survival analysis --R code
  73. Survival analysis -- Theory
  74. Hazard Ratio
  75. Correlation analysis
  76. Determine the optimal cut-point for continuous variables in survival analysis
  77. Youden Index/Cut-Off
  78. ROC curve calculation
  79. R control structures
  80. Python formatted output
  81. Class and Object
  82. Input and Output
  83. Functions and Modules
  84. Conditional statements and Loops
  85. Python Data Structure
  86. Python Operators and Expressions
  87. Python Overview
  88. Jupyter notebook 的安装与使用
  89. Anaconda installation
  90. Python Preparation
  91. Star (Spider/Radar) plot
  92. Volcano plot
  93. Github
  94. Git branch
  95. Git Repository reset
  96. Git Repository init, add, commit, log, diff
  97. web scraping -- Regular Expression
  98. web scraping -- XPath
  99. web scraping -- XML
  100. web scraping -- HTML
  101. Email writing skills
  102. writing skills(1)
  103. About life you should know earlier
  104. Send instant messages on linux server
  105. Use .htaccess to limit IP address
  106. Markdown here
  107. markdown rules
  108. Vim cheatsheet