About life you should know earlier

This is from quora, the answer for the question: Philosophy of Everyday Life: What are the lessons people most often learn too late in life?

  1. You are the only one responsible for yourself and for your success. I am responsible for mine. Thinking anything else is wasting your energy. So don’t blame your parents, spouse, children, friends, aunts and uncles. It is you, you and only you.
  2. Life is short. There are no special occasions. Don’t wait for them. Today is the special occasion. Buy yourself an ice cream/beer/ wear that nice shirt. Today!
  3. If something bothers you change it. If it is beyond your control, learn to live with it. Accept it. Change yourself. That is the only thing you can influence.
  4. You will regret the things you didn’t do much more than ones you did. So… action!
  5. “Future you”, imaginary person that has perfect weight, looks great, gets up early, smiles and loves his/her job, will never become as great if “present you” don’t do something.
  6. Prioritize your health, rest and happiness. No one will do that for you. There will always be more work.
  7. Don’t ruin your health in order to earn money. You will end up spending your money to recover your health and that is not reciprocal.
  8. Besides of 1. and 3. the biggest time and energy wasters are: TV, people pleasing, perfectionism, envy, regret, obsessive dieting and house cleaning. You can refocus your time and energy in so much better ways.
  9. We tend to overestimate what we can do in a day and to underestimate what we can do in a year (or a lifetime). Start today, start small. Drops will fill the bucket.
  10. If you waste money, you can earn it again. If you miss the moment, it can never be returned. Live life with opened eyes, ears, heart!
  11. EXTRA: “It is too late,” is just an excuse. You can always change the course. You can always reinvent yourself.


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因为不想遗忘! 在这个信息大爆炸的年代,最重要的是对知识的消化-吸收-重铸。每天学了很多东西,但是理解的多少,以及能够运用多少是日后成功的关键。作为一个PhD,大脑中充斥了太多的东西,同时随着年龄的增长,难免会忘掉很多事情。所以只是为了在众多教程中写一个自己用到的,与自己...… Continue reading